Statistics and Demographics

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Characteristic Charlottetown Greater Charlottetown Area Prince Edward Island
Population (est) 33,177 64,306 143,166
Population Density/Sq. Mi. 748.4 88.33 25.19
Population Projections

68,411 147,721
Land Area 44.33 sq mi 728 sq mi 5,683.91 sq mi
Labour Force

18,283 41,009
18,216 39,230
Unemployment 8.8% 9.25% 11.8%
Participation Rate

72.9% 72.2%
65.4% 64.4%
Education(25+ yrs old)

-No certificate, diploma
6,618 22,758
-High School equivalent
9,624 22,505
-University cert., diploma or degree
11,808 19,508
-Masters degree
1,749 2,770
-Earned doctorate
362 481
Occupation by Sector:

- Sales and service occup.
9,068 17,583
- Business, finance, admin.
6,528 12,868
- Trades, transport and equip.
4,598 11,574
- Management occupations
3,417 6,268
- Social science, Edu, Govt.
3,592 6,619
- Health Care
2,591 4,813
- Science, related occupations
2,412 3,981
- Occupations unique to primary industry
1,912 9,273
- Art, culture, rec., sport
1,179 1,937
- Processing, manufacturing and utilities
892 4,517

- Building Permits ($000)

-2010 $92,104

-2011 $105,881

-2012 $116,788

-2013 $95,815

-2014 $82,286

Occupied Private Dwellings
26,023 56,930
Construction Price Index

- New Housing where 1997 = 100 Canada = 148.80 Charlottetown = 117.8

- Average household income
$74,014 $67,669
- Disposable income/household
$56,501 $52,285
- Equity investment/household
$21,073 $19,360
Home Language:

61,476 136,523
500 2,705
902 1,384