City Committed to Climate Action

Report Outlines City’s Commitment to Climate Action
Posted on 04/04/2024
The City of Charlottetown is demonstrating its commitment to combatting the effects of climate change and building a more resilient community in the newly released Resilient Homes, Parks and People (RHPP) report.

“These projects have been fundamental in addressing the concerns of our community and we are extremely happy with the work staff have carried out so far,” said Councillor Terry Bernard, Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee. “With climate change playing an ever-more present role in our day-to-day lives, responding to these concerns is of the upmost importance to the City.”

Feedback was taken from residents, key stakeholders, partners and climate advisors when shaping the projects in the report, which address several climate concerns at different levels, such as flood resilience and protection of natural areas.

Highlights of the report include:
     • A five-part speaker series which brought climate experts, leaders from private sectors, members of government and a local watershed group to speak about climate change, hold Q and A discussions and take feedback from the community on which climate-related concerns are most urgent in Charlottetown.
     • The Home Flood Protection Rebate Program launched in 2022, which provided rebates to residents for home-improvement devices such as sump pumps, backup battery systems and backwater valves.
     • The restoration of Evergreen Park in 2023, which saw dozens of downed trees from post-tropical storm Fiona removed, the removal of invasive species and native trees and shrubs planted in place of these removals.
     • The Wright’s Creek riparian tree planting in 2023, where City staff worked with the Ellen’s Creek and Wright’s Creek watershed groups to re-establish a tree line by planting red maple, eastern larch, hemlock, red oak and willow close to the water.

The RHPP is funded through the provincial Climate Challenge Fund. Visit to view the full report.