Call for Public Participation in Travel Diary

City of Charlottetown Call for Public Participation in Travel Activity Survey
Posted on 04/15/2024
The City of Charlottetown has launched a “travel diary” survey in collaboration with Dalhousie University to gather data on how people move in Charlottetown and gain a stronger understanding of foot and traffic flow in the community.

The Canada Activity Travel Survey (CanTRAC) is a cross-Canada project conducted in partnership with the Dalhousie University Transportation Collaboratory (DalTRAC) to help guide future policy, understand greenhouse gas emissions and gather ideas on how to improve transit in participating cities. The survey is live now and asks residents to provide a 24-hour travel log. Anyone who is a resident of Charlottetown can participate in the survey, including individuals who work from home or do not travel regularly.

Visit to learn more and participate. Please contact the Planning and Heritage department at (902) 629-4158 or [email protected] for more information.