City to Develop Active Transportation Plan

City to Develop Active Transportation Plan, Invites Public Input
Posted on 03/05/2025
The City of Charlottetown is seeking public input to help inform a new plan to encourage more people to walk, cycle and use other active transportation.

Active transportation refers to getting around using your own energy, like walking or cycling, or with help from electric power such as electric mobility scooters. Charlottetown’s new Active Transportation Plan will identify challenges and propose solutions and systems to increase active transportation options that can be implemented over the next 10 years.

Key goals of the Active Transportation Plan include:
• Proposing a complete network of accessible, safe and connected active transportation pathways throughout the city.
• Ensuring active transportation is included in the community in an accessible and well-planned way, to create a safer, more livable City.
• Developing phases for implementation in the short, medium and long term, including measurable goals and targets.
• Promoting and embracing sustainable transportation options.
• Fostering strong partnerships to support the implementation of AT infrastructure into the future.

“The City has already made good progress in providing excellent active transportation connections between Charlottetown, Summerside, Cornwall and Brackley” said Councillor Trevor MacKinnon, Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee. “Now its time for us to focus on the active transportation network within the city itself, so more residents can choose active travel.”

Public and stakeholder input will help the City better understand the current barriers and opportunities for active transportation throughout Charlottetown. Residents are invited to complete the online Active Transportation Survey before April 10. In-person engagement events will also be announced in the coming weeks.

“Enhancing active transportation options in the city does more than just improve public health and well-being,” said Mayor Philip Brown. “It creates a more inter-connected and pedestrian-friendly community while reducing carbon emissions and traffic congestion which is important as our city grows. We look forward to hearing from residents on their vision and priorities for active transportation in Charlottetown.”

To learn more about the Active Transportation Plan, please visit or contact [email protected]