January 19 - March 8, 2020
Be Winter Active
Bundle up and go for a walk, go skating, go snowshoeing, go cross-country skiing or just get out and participate in one of your favorite winter activities. The following trails/boardwalks are available for winter walking: the boardwalk from Victoria Park to the Friendly Pharmacy, Victoria Park Trails, Beach Grove Trails and the Confederation Trail within City limits. You can go cross-country skiing on one of the City's groomed ski trails, located at Victoria Park and Belvedere Golf Course. Ski trail maps are available online and at the Parks and Recreation Office. Check out regularly scheduled skates at local arenas and a list of available outdoor rinks at https://www.charlottetown.ca/leisure___recreation/programs_and_activities/skating_and_skiing
Try Snowshoeing (FREE)
Date: Sundays, January 19 - March 8 |
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. |
Location: Victoria Park (meet at the Ball Field Clubhouse, off Brighton Road) |
There will be a limited number of snowshoes available for use to be signed out. Bundle up and meet at the ball field clubhouse and take part in this fun winter activity. Free hot chocolate will be served!
Skating (FREE Family Skates)
Check out the City's website for regularly scheduled skates at local arenas and for a list of available outdoor rinks.
Date: Sunday, January 26 |
Date: Sunday, March 1
Time: 1:50 - 2:50 p.m. |
Time: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. |
Location: Simmons Arena |
Location: Cody Banks Arena |
Free hot chocolate will be served!
Check out the City's website for regularly scheduled skates at local arenas and for a list of available outdoor rinks. https://www.charlottetown.ca/leisure___recreation/programs_and_activities/skating_and_skiing
Learn to Run (L2R) Program THIS PROGRAM IS NOW FULL
Winter Family Fun Events
These events will include the following activities. Sleigh rides, skating at an outdoor rink, snowshoeing (There will be a limited number of snowshoes available for use to be signed out) and free hot chocolate will be served to help keep you warm.
Please see the scheduled days and locations for the event.
Date: Sunday, January 26
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Location: Malcolm Darrach
Community Centre
(1 Avonela Drive)
Date: Sunday, February 2
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Location: West Royalty
Community Centre (1 Kirkdale Road)
*There is no outdoor rink at this location.
Date: Saturday, February 22
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Location: Hillsborough Park
Community Centre
(199 Patterson Drive)
Light up the Park
The City of Charlottetown in partnership with WinterLove PEI are hosting an event in Victoria Park. There will be many outdoor activities including sleigh rides, snowshoeing, access to cross country ski trails and more winter fun activities.
Date: Sunday, February 9
Time: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Location: Victoria Park
(Meet at the Ball Field Clubhouse, off Brighton Road)
For more information, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 902-368-1025 or visit the City's website www.charlottetown.ca/winteractive. Please note that outdoor activities are weather dependent.