Benefits - Reduces injury accidents by 75 percent and fatal accidents by 90 percent. - Increases efficient traffic flow up to 50 percent. - Helps the environment by reducing carbon emissions by double digits. - Decrease fuel consumption by as much as 30 percent. - Life-cycle costs are less than traffic signals without electronics purchase, operation and maintenance.
Traffic Rules - the rules of traffic signals are numerous and complex for a first time description - red, right on red, amber, green, protected left arrows, permissible lefts, etc; for a roundabout there is simply one basic rule - yield to traffic already in the roundabout
Low Speeds - slow to the advisory speed (25km/h); reduced speed mean less damage in the event of any collisions
Less Information to Absorb - drivers have basically one direction (left) to concentrate on as opposed to observing for traffic from the left, straight and right at a signalized intersection
Pedestrian Refuge - the splitter islands provide a pedestrian refuge and allow for concentration on one direction of traffic at a time
Conflict Points - the number of pedestrian and vehicle conflict points in a roundabout configuration versus a 4-way intersection is significantly reduced; similarly head-on or T-bone vehicle accidents are basically eliminated with sideswipe orientations the main possibility.
Overview of Modern Roundabouts
Compared to traffic signals, roundabouts offer the following advantages:
Reduced Delays - Cars only have to yield at the entrance to a roundabout, rather than stopping and waiting for a green light at a signalized intersection, this keeps things moving. This means shorter average queues and fewer cars blocking driveway entrances. When traffic volumes are low, motorists experience almost no delay, regardless of what direction they arrive from and where they are going.
Increased Capacity - Traffic capacity is higher due to the continuous flow of a roundabout compared to the wait at yellow and red lights. If multiple drivers are trying to turn left, a roundabout can handle this much more quickly than lights.
Reduced Speed -Drivers have to slow down to negotiate a roundabout, but motorists don't slow down when they see a green light. Permission to proceed through a roundabout is always the same, regardless of when a motorist gets to it so there isn't the temptation to step on the gas to catch a green or yellow light.
Improved Safety - There are only eight points in a roundabout where two cars could collide and 32 at a set of lights. This, combined with reduced speeds, reduces the frequency and severity of traffic accidents. Environmentally Responsible - Reduced delays mean reduced fuel consumption and harmful emissions, which improves air quality and motorists' gas mileage. Noise pollution is also reduced because of lower speeds, and less stopping and starting.
Reduce Maintenance Costs - Roundabouts eliminate the costs associated with electricity, maintenance, and signal timing optimization that traffic signals require.
Aesthetically Pleasing - The roundabout centre island provides an opportunity for landscaping and community beautification, and the splitter islands may be planted with grass or flowers.
Pedestrian Access and Safety - Crosswalks are placed away from the edge of the roundabout, so motorists encounter pedestrians wither before they arrive at the roundabout or after they leave it, tomes when they are not preoccupied with navigating through the intersection. Also, pedestrians are move visible to approaching drivers and they cross only one direction to traffic at a time, with a refuge area on the splitter island in the middle. Crossing distances are greatly reduced because there are fewer approach lanes at a roundabout. These advantages, combined with reduce speeds, results in drivers being more willing to yield to pedestrians and a better overall pedestrian experience.
Bicycle Access - Cyclists may choose to either walk their bicycle across the crosswalks like a pedestrian (this is recommended for less experienced riders), or ride through the roundabout as a vehicle.
low down to the posted limit Let vehicles already circulating go ahead Obey all one way signs Watch for pedestrians, bicyclists, emergency and large vehicles