The City of Charlottetown has a distinct architectural heritage that contributes immeasurably to our economy and quality of life. In order to protect our heritage, we have designated
Heritage Resources throughout the City that are managed through the
Heritage Preservation Bylaw. To conduct work to your heritage property, or to designate a Heritage Resource, please see the
Heritage Permit Application.
Heritage Board, comprised of members of City Council and residents, serves as an advisory board to Council on matters pertaining to the safeguarding of our heritage. Typically, Board meetings occur on the last Monday of each month, and completed applications must be submitted to the Heritage Officer at least one week in advance of each meeting.
A number of documents have been produced to assist in the preservation of your heritage building. Please see our guidelines below.
Guidelines for the Preservation of Historic Resources
Guidelines for the Repair and Replacement of Historic Windows
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the
Planning and Heritage Department.