Short-Term Rental Operation | Tourism Accommodation Levy
Frequently Asked Questions
Amended Tourism Accommodation Levy (TAL) and Zoning and Development bylaws to govern the operation of short-term rentals within the City of Charlottetown came into effect March 28, 2023. City Council approved the establishment of the Short-term Rental Licensing Bylaw on October 12, 2023, which came into effect on November 1, 2023. The City of Charlottetown encourages operators/hosts to review the most commonly asked questions about property eligibility, the application/registration process, TAL collection and remittance, and non-compliance below.
Application Forms and Approvals
Tourist Home (Short-Term Rental) Application
Sample Tourist Home (Short-Term Rental) Application
Floor Plan Guide For Short-Term Rental License Application Submissions
Tourism Accommodation Levy Form
Approved Tourist Home (Short-Term Rental) Permit List (Updated weekly)
Approved Tourist Home (Short-Term Rental) Permit List (Pre 2024 Archive)
Three Steps to Short-Term Rental Operation in the City of Charlottetown:
1. Municipal Licensing
Current tourism establishment operators may now apply for the Short-Term Rental License for the April 1, 2024- March 31, 2025 period. A copy of the short-term rental license will be required with the renewal application to validate the operator's Provincial Tourism Establishment License.
Please complete a Tourist Home (Short-Term Rental) Application and submit it to the City of Charlottetown’s Planning and Heritage Department with the $175 fee. Questions pertaining to property eligibility can be found below under “Property Eligibility”.
If your property does not comply with the City of Charlottetown’s Zoning and Development Bylaw, you cannot legally operate a short-term rental within the City of Charlottetown.
2. Provincial Licensing
A provincial Tourism Establishment License is also required to operate a short-term rental under the Tourism Industry Act in Prince Edward Island. Obtain a Tourism Establishment License through the Province of Prince Edward Island by visiting Starting a Tourism Accommodation in PEI | Tourism PEI and paying the associated licensing fee (varies based on size of establishment). Note that applications must be filed, and fees paid before operations begin. A $180 new property inspection fee will apply to those properties not previously licensed through the Province of Prince Edward Island and the Province will verify compliance with the City of Charlottetown’s Zoning and Development Bylaw as part of their licensing process.
3. Tourism Accommodation Levy (TAL) Collection and Remittance
Collect the 3% TAL on stays of 30 days or less and remit the amounts monthly to the City of Charlottetown’s Finance Department. Please see “Tourism Accommodation Levy Collection and Remittance” below for Levy collection and remittance-specific questions.
Legal Non-Conforming Use
Based on a recent City Council resolution, passed January 8, 2024, short-term rentals in existence prior to February 14, 2022 will be considered to be a legal non-conforming use.
What is a Legal Non-Conforming Use?
As per the City of Charlottetown’s Zoning and Development Bylaw, a legal non-conforming use refers to a situation in which a building, structure, or land is lawfully occupied when a new, restricted area bylaw comes into effect, but where the building, structure or land does not comply with the new zoning regulations or bylaw that applies to the area in which it is located.
Which short-term rentals will be assessed as a Legal Non-Conforming Use?
Properties that operated as a short-term rental before the adoption of the short-term rental regulations in the Zoning and Development Bylaw Amendments on February 14, 2022, and hold a current Tourism Industry Act (TIA) license.
Short-term rentals shall not be considered for assessment as a legal non-conforming use if they have discontinued the use for a period of six (6) consecutive months.
Notwithstanding the designation as a legal non-conforming use, all applications for a Short-Term Rental license will be assessed on a case-by-case basis per the regulations of the newly established Short-Term Rental License Bylaw and the Zoning and Development Bylaw.
Frequently Asked Questions
Property Eligibility
I own more than one property within the City of Charlottetown. Can I operate short-term rentals at all of my properties?
No. Only properties that serve as the operator’s/host’s principal residence are eligible to host short-term rentals in the City of Charlottetown.
What is considered a principal residence?
A principal residence is a residential unit owned or rented by an individual, alone or with others, where the proposed operator/host lives and conducts daily affairs, including but not limited to paying bills and receiving documentation related to identification, taxation, insurance, medical plans, vehicle and voter registration, or other similar information.
Operators/hosts who are not property owners are required to obtain a lease agreement from the owner, which gives them consent to operate the rented/leased unit as a short-term rental.
The proposed operator/host must not have another property designated as a principal residence within the City of Charlottetown or any other jurisdiction.
Are all types of principal residences permitted to host short-term rentals?
Short-term rentals approved as Home Occupations (Tourism Accommodation) are permitted in any type of dwelling unit except for an apartment dwelling and must be located within a residential zone.
I have a fully contained suite located within/on the property of my principal residence. Am I able to offer this suite as a short-term rental?
Short-term rentals are permitted in secondary or garden suites only when the operator/host is present in the principal residence during the time of the short-term rental stay.
Do I have to be on-site during a short-term rental stay?
The operator/host does not have to be present at the time of stay if the entire dwelling unit is rented, except in the case of short-term rentals operated in a secondary or garden suite.
Is there a limit on the number of short-term rentals I can host at one time?
Yes. Only one short-term rental booking is permitted in a dwelling unit at one time. Operators/hosts are not permitted to divide available accommodation space into multiple, concurrent bookings.
Property Registration
Properties eligible to host short-term rentals will be required to obtain a Tourism Establishment License through the Province of Prince Edward Island. Operators will also be required to obtain a Short-Term Rental License through the City of Charlottetown’s Planning Department beginning November 1, 2023.
Owners/operator hosts with a current license from the province set to expire on March 31, 2024, do not require a Short-Term Rental License from the City of Charlottetown until the expiration date. The Tourism Establishment License and Short-Term Rental License must be renewed before April 1st each year.
I’ve submitted my application to the city and am waiting. Can I accept bookings prior to receiving my license?
No. You must have received a license from the City of Charlottetown and the Province of Prince Edward Island prior to taking bookings or renting the nominated space.
Am I able to accept and host short-term rental bookings prior to obtaining a Tourism Establishment License through the Province of Prince Edward Island?
No. Applications must be filed and fees paid before operations begin. For more information, please visit: Licensed Tourism Accommodations | Government of Prince Edward Island.
How do I apply for a Short-Term Rental License with the City of Charlottetown?
Short-term rental owners/operator hosts must submit a completed application to
[email protected] along with the following:
• An application fee of $175
• Proof of Primary Residence - A document to show that the subject dwelling unit is the operator’s primary residence.
• Proof of Ownership - Acceptable documentation includes a property tax statement, lease agreement, property deed, or other official records. If the applicant is a tenant, they must also provide a signed support letter from the property owner.
• Operators/hosts who are not property owners are required to obtain a lease agreement from the owner, which gives them consent to operate the rented/leased unit as a short-term rental.
• Proof of insurance - Each property must have a separate policy with a minimum coverage of $2,000,000, explicitly stating Commercial General Liability Coverage.
• A copy of last year’s provincial license. When renewing their STR permits with the City, it is a requirement that all Short-Term Rental (STR) operators- both
Primary Residence and Legally Non-Conforming (LNC)- submit the provincial license for the previous year.
• An emergency exit plan of the short-term rental unit showing exit location, fire extinguisher location, electrical panel shut-off location (if fuel-fired appliances are present or attached garage), and propane shut-off location, if applicable.
Applicants are encouraged to apply for and renew their licenses before the license period commences on April 1st of each year.
Tourism Accommodation Levy Collection and Remittance
The City of Charlottetown has a Tourism Accommodation Levy Bylaw requiring all tourism establishments in the City of Charlottetown, regardless of size, to collect and remit a 3% Tourism Accommodation Levy on all stays less than 30-days in duration, to the City of Charlottetown’s Finance Department on a monthly basis.
What is the Tourism Accommodation Levy used for?
The Tourism Accommodation Levy is a tourism-industry supported tax which drives the efforts of Discover Charlottetown, Meetings and Conventions PEI, and the Charlottetown Special Events Reserve Fund.
Distribution of the Levy between these organizations is equal, with one-third of collected revenue distributed to each of the organizations monthly to support marketing campaigns, event attraction efforts, and tourism-driving event development and delivery.
How do I calculate the Levy owing on a guest’s stay?
The Tourism Accommodation Levy is equivalent to 3% of the gross total of accommodations for a guest’s stay. The Levy is not applicable to specialized services guests may enjoy (e.g., meals, parking, Wi-Fi, cleaning fees, platform fees, etc.).
Are there exemptions to Tourism Accommodation Levy collection?
Yes, continuous stays of one month or longer are exempt from the Tourism Accommodation Levy, as are the following types of stays:
- Stays taking place while a guest or a guest’s family are receiving medical treatment or seeking specialist medical advice. Written documentation from a hospital, provincial health-care centre, or PEI-licensed physician must be provided to the operator confirming that the guest or guest’s family member is receiving medical treatment and that accommodation is required, including dates.
- Students residing in buildings owned or operated by a post-secondary institution who are registered students of the post-secondary institution, regardless of length of stay.
Is there a penalty for not collecting/remitting the Tourism Accommodation Levy?
Yes. Any person who contravenes any provision of the Tourism Accommodation Levy Bylaw is guilty of an offense punishable by summary conviction and on conviction is liable a) on a first conviction to a fine of $500 to a maximum of $1,000; and b) for a subsequent conviction for the same or another provision of the regulation to a fine of $1,500 to a maximum of $5,000.
Are there reporting requirements?
Yes. Operators must report accommodation sales to the City of Charlottetown’s Finance Department on a monthly basis by completing the Tourism Accommodation Levy Form. The submission and remittance deadline is 20 days after the end of the month covered by the form, even if no Levy is payable.
How do I submit my monthly Tourism Accommodation Levy form electronically?
Monthly Tourism Accommodation Levy forms can be filed electronically by visiting and accessing the Tourism Accommodation Levy Form. Complete the required information and submit it directly to the City’s Finance Department by clicking the blue “submit” button found at the bottom of the page. The City’s Finance Department will issue an invoice, complete with payment information, within two business days of your submission via the email address provided by you on the form. The submission and remittance deadline is 20 days after the end of the month covered by the form, even if no Levy is payable.
To obtain a TAL summary document for your STR application, please contact the City of Charlottetown Finance Department via [email protected] or by telephone at 902.629-4004.
Do I have to submit my monthly Tourism Accommodation Levy form electronically?
No. The Tourism Accommodation Levy Form can be printed by accessing the from the City’s website, or can be picked up at Charlottetown City Hall, 199 Queen Street.
How do I remit collected Tourism Accommodation Levy to the City of Charlottetown?
There are different methods to remit collected Tourism Accommodation Levy, depending on how you submit your Tourism Accommodation Levy Form – electronically or by paper.
For Tourism Accommodation Levy Forms that are submitted electronically, an invoice with payment options will be emailed to you within two business days of submitting the monthly form. Upon receipt of the invoice, there are three ways to remit any Tourism Accommodation Levy owing:
- Pay online at
- Select the “One Time Pay” option.
- Make a payment using the account number located on your invoice.
- Pay in-person at Charlottetown City Hall, 199 Queen Street; please bring a copy of the invoice or Tourism Accommodation Levy Form with you.
- Pay via cheque, please note the invoice number on the cheque, and mail it to:
City of Charlottetown
PO Box 98
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7K2
If you choose not to submit the Tourism Accommodation Levy form electronically, you will not receive an invoice and can either:
- Pay in-person at Charlottetown City Hall, 199 Queen Street; please bring a copy of the Tourism Accommodation Levy Form with you.
- Pay via cheque, please include a copy of the Tourism Accommodation Levy Form with the cheque, and mail them to:
City of Charlottetown
PO Box 98
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7K2
Irrespective of method used, the submission and remittance deadline is 20 days after the end of the month covered by the form, even if no Levy is payable.
How do I report a suspected non-complying property?
The City of Charlottetown maintains a public directory of compliant short-term rental properties. The list of
Approved Tourist Home (Short Term Rental) Permits
will be updated weekly as approvals are confirmed.
If you believe that a short-term rental property is operating outside the established rules and regulations of the City of Charlottetown, please contact the City’s Planning Department at [email protected] or 902.629.4158.
Key Contacts
For questions related to property eligibility, licensing, and non-compliance, please contact the City’s Planning Department at [email protected] or 902.629.4158.
For questions pertaining to Tourism Accommodation Levy collection or remittance, contact the City’s Finance Department at [email protected] or 902.629-4004.
The City of Charlottetown is committed to providing accessible information and is working diligently to ensure the public is informed. Please see documents related to Short-Term Rentals below.