Waste Reduction Week 2024

- Charlottetown Tool Library Incentive
Date: Monday, October 21 to Sunday, October 27
Website:Charlottetown Tool Library
Details: All yearly memberships purchased from the Charlottetown Tool Library will be half price, costing only $25! Only purchases made during Waste Reduction Week will qualify.
- Battery Recycling Drive
Date: Monday, October 21 to Friday October 25
Details: Are you looking to get rid of your old household batteries? Recycle them at the Recycle Your Batteries Canada! dropbox located in front of City Hall at 199 Queen St. from Monday, Oct. 21 to Friday, Oct. 25 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The first 10 participants to drop off their batteries each day will receive a $10 Downtown Charlottetown gift card, and all participants have a chance to enter the Recycle Your Batteries Canada! national Circular Economy contest where you could win up to $5,000.
Can't make it to Waste Reduction Week? Visit the Recycle Your Batteries Canada! website to find your nearest battery drop-off location.
- Second Hand Stores Incentive
Date: Tuesday, October 22
Details: Shop at one of these local second-hand stores on Tuesday, October 22 and receive a special discount as part of Waste Reduction Week! Thank you to participating stores for helping the community to reduce textile waste.
- Confederation Trail Clean Up with Fusion Charlottetown
Date: Saturday, October 26
Details: Join Fusion Charlottetown to clean-up the Confederation Trail. The trail clean-up event will take place on the Confederation Trail behind Royalty Crossing on Towers Road from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. With Halloween just around the corner, participants are encouraged to dress up in their favourite costumes, with prizes awarded for best costumes and a draw for door prizes!
- Fix It Fair
Date: Sunday, October 27
Website: Charlottetown Fix-It-Fair
Details: The Fix It Fair will be held at the Charlottetown Library Learning Centre on Saturday, October 21 from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm. This free event will include a Repair Café, workshops, and information booths. To learn more, click here.
Waste Reduction Resources:
Waste Reduction Week in Canada focuses on 7 themes: circular economy, textile waste, e-waste, plastic waste, food waste, sharing economy, and swap and repair. For more information on each of the Waste Reduction Week themes, see the links along the sidebar.