Charlottetown Food Council

food council logo

What is the Charlottetown Food Council all about?

The general mission of the Food Council is to examine the operation of the existing food system and take action to improve it. The FC brings together individuals with different backgrounds, expertise, and perspectives to tackle issues within the food system using an inclusive and collaborative approach.

Charlottetown is making efforts to enhance the health and well-being of residents, the local economy, and improve our environmental performance. We recognize food as being central to our society and that how it is grown, processed, distributed, prepared, and disposed of has far-reaching environmental, economic, cultural, and social consequences. Food is listed as one of the main sustainability themes in the 2017 Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) and the over-arching goals are to promote local food production and procurement, improve food security, reduce food waste, and use the culinary assets of the community to connect locals and visitors with food. Members of the Food Council will bring different perspectives, skills, and knowledge to the table but it is their shared connection to food that will act as a strong foundation for their work. 

The Food Council's mandate is to improve the existing food system.


Useful Links & Resources 

Charlottetown Food Asset Map
Community Conversations About Food
Food Waste - YCAN Presentation
PEI Food Security Network 
PEI Food Exchange
Community Gardens
PEI Food Share: Resources Guide
PEI Culinary Trail
Re-Setting the Table: A Food Policy for Canada  
Sustainable Food Systems 
Municipal Food Policy Entrepreneurs 

What do we mean when we say the Food System 

The food system is how we grow, process, distribute, acquire, consume, and dispose of food as well as all of the Social, Economic, Environmental, Diet and Nutritional factors that intersect with food.

This video does a great job of breaking down the complexities and the challenges we face within the existing food system, and shares insight on ways it could be transformed into a more sustainable alternative!