The Charlottetown Food Council has created a Food Asset Map for Charlottetown. This map was generated to identify the existing food-related strengths and resources in the community. The intent of this map is to help the Council and other organizations better understand the City's existing food system and identify opportunities for improvement. It is also a great resource that can help any member of the community identify the food resources they're seeking. For example, you can use the map to find local food retailers, emergency food providers, community gardens, and a lot more!
The data collected by the Food Council has been turned into an interactive tool in the form of a virtual map. This is a living tool that will require updates as assets change and grow. Because of this, the Food Council would love to hear what you think. If you have an idea for how we can improve the map or notice any assets we're missing, please let us know using the feedback form below. Click on the following image to access the map: