Photo credit: Misterpiro
Charlottetown’s Cultural Policy, spearheaded by the Culture and Economic Coordinator and developed in-house, is a product of sustained community engagement and aligned with the objectives and action plan of the City’s Strategic Plan 2022-26: a community for everyone.
The City of Charlottetown Cultural Policy offers a roadmap and strategy for informed decision-making about investment in the arts, what services to deliver, and how to support community objectives in arts and culture. The document also shapes future funding criteria for arts and culture grants, fostering inclusive growth within the sector.
The document was developed through extensive research and sustained community engagement (conducted between April and December 2023). Further details on the community engagement for this project can be found in the Backgrounder & What We Heart Report.
Council approved the Cultural Policy on February 12, 2024.
For more information on the Cultural Policy, contact Doug Dumais, Culture and Economic Coordinator at [email protected]