With the warmer weather approaching and more families staying at home, the Charlottetown Fire Department would like to remind the public about outdoor fire regulations and safety.
During these very unique and challenging times, families are understandably looking to get outdoors. With that in a mind, many people enjoy a recreational fire in their yard as a way to spend time outdoors in the warmer weather.
In order to ensure that all City of Charlottetown residents are able to safely enjoy the outdoors, warm weather, and recreational fires simultaneously, regulations concerning outdoor fires must to be followed. These regulations are in place to prevent fires and to minimize nuisance and inconvenience to neighbors. Smoke from outdoor fireplaces can cause adverse health effects for some people. The public is reminded to be mindful of neighbors who may be impacted by exposure of smoke.
As directed by the Provincial Government, all outdoor burning is currently prohibited (this does not include recreational fires in approved outdoor fireplaces meeting all conditions detailed below). Existing 2020 burning permits are suspended until further notice and no new permits will be issued until the situation allows. If or when the ban is lifted, an open fire in the City is only permissible after receiving a permit from the Charlottetown Fire Department. For more information from the Province, visit:
Recreational Fires are permitted within Charlottetown as long as they meet the criteria below. The definition of recreational fires is: the noncommercial burning of materials, other than rubbish for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking, or similar purposes in which the fuel burned is not contained in an incinerator, a barbecue grill, or a barbeque pit, and the total fuel area is not exceeding 1 meter (3 ft.) in diameter and .6096 meter (2 ft.) in height.
The following Recreational Fire Safety requirements must be met in the City of Charlottetown:
• When burning use only dry seasoned wood. Do not burn, garbage, leaves, twigs, green wood etc;
• Outdoor fireplaces shall not be located within 7.62 meters (25 ft.) of a structure or combustible material;
• Outdoor fireplaces shall not be located on combustible decks or apartment balconies;
• Outdoor fireplaces shall be maintained in good repair and in a safe condition at all times, and shall be provided with an approved spark arrester, screen, or door;
• Outdoor fireplaces shall not be used for the disposal of rubbish, trash, or combustible waste materials;
• Recreational fires shall be constantly attended by a competent person until such fire is extinguished. The competent person must have a garden hose connected to water supply or other fire extinguishing equipment readily available for use. Readily available fire extinguishing equipment and knowledge of how to use that equipment is essential to maintaining a safe recreational fire;
• Recreational fires shall be extinguished if smoke causes an unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of another person’s property;
• Recreational fires shall not be operated in windy conditions.
Self-constructed outdoor fireplaces, permanent barbeques, grills or Incinerators are not permitted to be built, installed, or maintained without prior approval from the Charlottetown Fire Department.
For more information, contact the Charlottetown Fire Department at 902-894-3623 and the Fire Inspector will follow up.