Charlottetown City Council voted Monday, March 13, to adopt the $58.7 million (net) 2023-2024 Capital Budget, marking a significant investment in the city’s infrastructure.
“The City of Charlottetown is striving to manage and plan for sustainable municipal infrastructure which meets the current and future needs of its residents, and that’s reflected in this budget,” says Councillor John McAleer, Chair of the Finance, Audit, Tendering and Administration Committee. “There are carryover amounts as a result of some projects not being completed due to COVID-19 and the impacts of post-tropical storm Fiona but we’re excited by the projects planned for this year.”
The largest expenditure is $30 million for the construction of the new Simmons Sports Centre and $5.2 million is earmarked for the continuation of the Eastern Gateway Plan. The budget contains $3.6 million for active transportation pathway construction throughout the City; and $22.8 to expand our transit services, including the planned purchase of seven fully electric buses. The Charlottetown Fire Department highlights include $1.5 million for the purchase of emergency measures generators in key city locations for reception centers as part of the emergency preparedness plan, and funding and funding to replace a fire engine at $1.2 million. Charlottetown Police Services will receive $250,000 for new equipment including E Watch cameras as well as significant information technology upgrades.
The Capital budget for the Charlottetown Water and Sewer Corporation was also passed by Council. The Utility’s Capital budget was approved at a net contribution of $7 million, subject to Federal and/or Provincial government contributions.
“The City’s Utility Department capital spending reflects the importance of working in synergy with Public Works, as we continue to replace aging infrastructure both above and below ground,” says McAleer. “This is demonstrated in projects such as phase one of the University Avenue Development which will not only improve traffic flows and provide more opportunity for active transportation but also improve the water and stormwater system.”
This budget is comparable to last year’s net capital budget, which was $59.5 million, and almost 50 per cent of capital project funding comes from external partners, significantly lessening the City’s cost burden.
A breakdown of the City’s Capital budget is available online at