Major fires in the City of Charlottetown from 1866-2011 resulting in death injury or 3 hour pump use:
- “Terrible Calamity” (Islander Page 2, July 20 1866) – Great Fire of Charlottetown
- “Another Fire” (Patriot, Page 22, November 1, 1877)
- “A Fire” (Patriot, Page 2, October 27, 1877)
- “The Fire To-Day” (Examiner, Page 2, October 4, 1878)
- “Disastrous conflagration” (Patriot Page 3, March 29, 1879)
- “Disastrous Conflagration” (Patriot August 28, 1880 Page 22)
- “Fire!” (weekly Patriot, Jan 26, 1882, Page 3)
- “A Destructive Fire” (Patriot July 26, 1883 Page 2) Tremont, Hillsborough, Rollo
- “Destructive Fire” (Examiner, Page 22, February 20, 1884)
- “A Lad Badly Burned” (Patriot, Page 3, December 28, 1885)
- “Destructive Fire” (Patriot March 4, 1886, Page 23) Messars, Younker & Offer’s Factory
- “Clang!” (Patriot Mar. 5, 1887 )
- “Destructive Fire” (Patriot Page 2, July 6, 1887) About Twenty Buildings Burned
- “Destructive Fire” (Patriot, Page 2, May 17, 1890)
- “Incendiary Fire” (Patriot, Page 3, September 1, 1890)
- “The Cruel Incendiary” (Patriot, Page 3, July 3, 1891)
- “St. James Presbyterian Church Damaged By Fire” (Patriot, Page 2, April 11, 1898)
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- “The Tremaine Warehouse Goes Up in Smoke”. (Patriot, February 7, 1901) Lower Queen Street.
- The Market House Destroyed By Fire This Morning”. (Patriot, December 17, 1902)
- “$60,000 Fire Last Night Burnt Out Three Firms”. (Patriot, November 13, 1902) Welsh & Owen Building.
- “Dughemin’s Factory Was Badly Gutted”. (Patriot, August 3, 1903)
- “Sad Death Involved Charlottetown Lady”. (Patriot, February 8, 1909) Queen Street.
- “Condensed Milk Factory Destroyed by Fire”. (Patriot, August 12, 1911)
- “Abegweits’ Lose Their Grand Stand”. (Patriot, October 3, 1912)
- Burned Cathedral” (Guardian Page 1, March 10, 1913)
- “Blaze in Newson Block” (Patriot Page 1, December 28, 1914)
- “$10,000 Fire in the Plant of Bruce Stewart & company” (Patriot Page 1, March 20, 1915)
- “Barn Burned This Morning”. (Guardian, Page 1, September 6, 1916)
- Destructive Fire in City Yesterday” (Guardian, September 30, 1916). Victoria Garage and Four Automobiles Destroyed by Fire”. (Patriot, September 30, 1916).
- “Splendid work By Firemen”. (Guardian, Page 1, October 14, 1916) Brian and Mr. Frank Beales – 12 Kent Street
- “Fire alarm” (Guardian November 23, 1916)
- “Fire at the Baggage Room” (Examiner Page 1, January 26, 1917)
- “Charlottetown Had a $20,000 Fire Last Evening” (Partior Page 1, November 22, 1918)
- “Bad Fire Yesterday in Charlottetown” (Guardian Page 1, November 10, 1919)
- “A Thousand Dollar Fire at the Railway Paint Shops” (Patriot Page 1, Jan. 25, 1919) Highland Hotel
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- “Charlottetown Hospital Was Badly Gutted by Fire this Forenoon). (Patriot, November 22, 1921).
- “Two Deaths By Fire in this City Sunday Morning”. (Patriot, July 31, 1922).
- “Fire on Queen Street Causes Damage of Over $150,000” (Patriot, December 21, 1922) S.A. McDonalds; Dry Goods on Queen Street.
- Guardian Office (April 28, 1923)

- “Early Morning Fire” (Patriot, Page 1, November 18, 1924) Corner of Great George and Euston Streets.
- “Disastrous Fire Early this Morning”. (Patriot, April 15, 1925) Great George Street, near the corner of Euston Street.
- “Prowse Brothers Suffered Heavy Loss by Fire on Dominion Day”. (Patriot, July 2, 1926)
- “Disastrous Fire on Lower Queen Street in This City Early This Morning”. (Patriot, December 21, 1926).
- Dillen & Spilletts Block.
- “Two Fires in The city Yesterday”. (Patriot, April 16, 1927) Roof fire on a barn in Victoria Hotel;
- MacDonald-Rowe Woodworking Plant.
- “Large Dairy Barn at Experiment Station Destroyed by Fire”. (Patriot, October 15, 1928)
- “Victoria Hotel Destroyed by Fire”. (Patriot, January 12, 1929)

- “Prowse’s Garage Destroyed By Fire Sunday Morning”. (Patriot, October 28, 1929) Great George Street
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- “Destructive Fire Last Night in Business Section of City”. (Patriot, April 4, 1930)
- Several Lives Feared Lost in the Falconwood Fire”. (Partiot December 15, 1931)

- “P.E.Island Fox Biscuit Factory Gutted by Fire” (Patriot November 6, 1931)
- Magnificent Residence of Hon. Frank R. Heartz is this Day a Mass of Ruins” (Patriot Feb. 24, 1931)
- “Fire in Riley Building Causes Heavy Loss to Owner and Tenants” (Patriot December 31, 1931)
- “Early Morning Fire Damages Condensed Milk Factory” (Patriot Oct. 6, 1932)
- Fire Early This Morning” (Patriot Page1, January 3, 1933)
- “Prince of Wales College is a Mass of Smouldering Ruins” (Patriot February 6, 1932)
- “Fire Destroys 25 Stalls and Three-Year Old Colt at Exhibition Race Track” (Patriot, Page 1, August 22, 1934 (1937?)
- Landrigan’s Woolen Mills Suffers $40,000 Fire Loss” (Patriot, Page 1, Oct. 17, 1934)
- “Early Morning Fire Destroys Feehan’s Store” (Patriot Page 1, October 26, 1936)
- Echo Garage Destroyed by Fire This Forenoon” (Patriot, Page 1, Jan.9, 1937)
- “Early Morning Fire Destroys Duvar’s Garage” (Patriot Page 1, November 30, 1938)
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- “$15,000 Loss in Early Morning Fire”. (Patriot, February 16, 1940). Fitzroy Street.
- “Agricultural Hall is completely destroyed by Fire”. (Patriot, November 6, 19941).
- “The Woolworth Store gutted by Fire Today”. (Patriot, December 27, 1941) Horseman Fred Chandler Injured in Fall Down Ladder.
- “Crown Bakery Destroyed by Fire”. (Patriot, Page 8, March 23, 1942) Corner of Dorchester and Pownal Street.
- “Charlottetown Blaze Causes $50,000 Loss. (Patriot, December 24, 1942). Condon Woolen Mills was destroyed.
- “Destructive Fire Yesterday Afternoon”. (Patriot, June 22, 1943). R.K. Brace Building.
- “Fire Completely Destroys Apartment House, Brighton Road”. (Patriot, November 16, 1944).
- “Frender B. Clark Potato Warehouse and Plant Destroyed By Fire”. (Patriot, December 29, 1944).
- “Fire Destroys Main Building on the Exhibition Grounds”. (Patriot, April 7, 1945).

- “St. Andrews Church Destroyed by Fire”. (Patriot, January 21, 1946).
- “Two Sunday Fires in the City”. (Patriot, October 28, 1946). Second Floor of City Hall; Stewart’s Bakery, Kent Street.
- “Large Industrial Plant of Bruce Stewart & Co. Wiped out by Fire”. (Patriot, October 10, 1946).
- “Two Sisters Die; Shocking Tragedy occurs at Sunday Morning Fire”. (Patriot, Page 1, January 19, 1948).
- 216 King Street.
- “Tweel Building Badly Gutted By Fire Today”. (Patriot, February 18, 1949). Corner of Kent and Great George Street.
- “Blaze at Simpson’s Brought Under Control Here this Forenoon”. (Patriot, 26, 1949) Simpson Store and Showrooms.
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- “Stewart Barn Burned at Exhibition Grounds”. (Patriot, Page 1, October 31, 1950).
- “Sporting Club Fire has claimed one Life, 11 others in Hospital”. (Patriot, Page 1, February 16, 1950).
- “Destructive Fire Levels Section of City Block, Damage Estimated High”. (Patriot, Page 1, August 20, 1951) Kent Street

- “Science Service Laboratories Destroyed last night, Loss estimated to be $100,000” (Patriot, Page 1, January 31, 1951). Dominion Experimental Farm, Charlottetown.
- Fire Severely Damages Apartment Building on North River Road; Broke out about 4 p.m. Yesterday”. (Patriot, Page 17, April 3, 1952). Hourwood Apartment Building.
- “Three Automobiles are included in Heavy Loss (Patriot, Page 1, Nov. 28, 1953) Fire completes destroyed the service garage of T.G.Ives, Great George Street.
- “Kent Street Building destroyed by Fire” (Patriot, Page 1, November 30, 1954) Cockshutt Machinery building on Kent Street
- “Fire Rages Prince Edward Theater”. (Patriot, December 14, 1955).
- “Bad Fire Last Night on Queen Street Block”. (Patriot, June 18, 1955) Queen & Kent Street
- “Disastrous Blaze Sweeps Warehouse”. (Patriot, October 15, 1956) R.T. Holman Co. Ltd., Grafton Street.
- “Bad Fire Rages At Island Tire Service”. (Patriot, January 28, 1957): 201 Weymouth Street.

- Fire Claims the Life of Frank Bradley, Well Known City Druggist, in His Home Today”. (Patriot, February 2, 1957)
- 157 Weymouth Street Garage Heavily Damaged By Fire”. (Patriot, February 22, 1957).
- “$250,000 Blaze Gutted CO-OP Super Market”. (Patriot, April 30, 1957).
- “Estimate of Loss Runs to $750,000 in Overnight Fire”. (Patriot, April 30, 1957). Market Building.
- “Back In Operations After Disastrous Fire”. (Patriot, September 4, 1957) The Charlottetown Patriot
- “Fire Rages Stand at Driving Park”. (Patriot, November 13, 1959).
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- “Fire Wrecks City Curling Club”. (Patriot, April 12, 1960).
- Woman Neighbor Praised in fire”. (Patriot, Page 3, December 4, 1961) 154 Upper Prince Street.
- “Simpson Sears Store is Reduced to Rubble”. (Patriot, Page 1-3, April 17, 1963) Kent St.

- “Woman Killed in Fire as Many Left Homeless”. (Patriot, June 24, 1963) 223-225 Water Street.
- “Rendezvous Restaurant Badly Damaged in Fire”. (Patriot, November 23, 1965)
- “Building Gutted on Grafton Street”. (Patriot, Page 2, February 11, 1965).
- “Fire Hits Queen Hotel” (Patriot, Page 1-3, January 13, 1965) Water Street.
- “Warehouse is Gutted”. (Patriot, January 1965) Michael Bros. Warehouse on Dorchester Street.
- Seaman’s Auto Body Works – Dorchester St. – Condon Woolen Mills.
- “Hurricane-Force Winds Lash Out at Maritimes”. (Patriot, January 21, 1966).
- “Early Morning Blaze Damages City Theater”. (Patriot, February 12, 1968) Capital Theater.
- “Three Children Die in Fire which Sweeps City Tenement”. (Patriot, Page 3, Pictures and Article, April 8, 1968). 69-71 Dorchester Street.
- “Fourteen Horses Dead in Driving Park Blaze”. (Patriot, January 24, 1968).
- House gutted February 4, 1969 at 21 Spring St
- Four barns destroyed by at Riverside Hospital July 6, 1969
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- Major fire at Kay’s Brothers Wholesale corner of Queen & Sydney, March 1, 1979
- House fire, 319 Grafton May 16, 1970
- Loss of life at a house fire at 44 Rosemount Dr. February 15, 1971
- Two people died in house fire May 19, 1971 at 37 Grafton St.
- Considerable damage to Seatreat Restaurant, 143 Euston St. December 24, 1971
- 285 University Ave October 14, 1972 apartment building on fire
- November 24, 1972, 57 Edward St. 9 month old child dies in fire
- July 23, 1973 75 Green St. Apartment house gutted
- Island Cold Storage September 9, 1973 Esher St. up in flames
- Man loses life in home destroyed by fire December 8, 1973 on Dorchester St.
- Gutted, Mac Lean Funeral Home January 7, 1974 King Square
- Revere Hotel on Kent St. April 13, 1974, 47 year old man loses life
- Fire destroys Warehouse on Prince St. Wharf, August 10, 1974
- Arson suspected in house October 4, 1974, 211-217 Sydney
- Crows nest restaurant, 131 Sydney St destroyed by fire March 19, 1975
- 43 Pownal St. apartment building gutted, April 12, 1975,
- Minitel apartment gutted June 22, 1975
- Firefighters fight potato boat fire January 15, 1977 at the railroad wharf
- Child dies in house fire January 26, 1977, 57-59 Bayfield St.
- Man lost life in apartment fire February 14, 1977, 74 Walthen Dr.
- Firefighters respond to 3 calls at the same location, 291 University Ave. April 12, 1977 home gutted
- Three lives lost in fire, 7 Alexander Dr., March 24, 1978 apartment house gutted
- Fire destroys Cavendish Apartments on corner of Pownal &Water St. January 29, 1979
- Firefighters are called to Holiday Island, University Ave for 2 different calls February 25, 1979
- Considerable damage to apartment on 12 Brighton Rd. March 19, 1979
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- Colonel Grey High School Spring Pk. Rd. mobile classrooms gutted May 25, 1980
- Fire firefighters battle blaze on September 17, 1980 at Philips Feed on Grafton St
- August 5, 1982 Ponderosa Restaurant University Ave up in flames
- Fire destroys Dandy Duds clothing store February 7, 1983 University Ave.
- Women loses life in fire,57 Prince St. December 16, 1983
- August 6, 1984, 402 University Ave house fire takes the life of a lady
- February 28, 1985 Captain Sub on University Ave gutted by fire
- February 11, 1986 old marine wharf destroyed by fire
- April 3, 1986 fire claims life of lady at 8 Stewart St.
- April 21 1986 Clark Fruit lower Prince St
- September 28, 1986 59 Chestnut St. fire claims an other
- March 27, 1987 Fire destroys building at 134 Richmond St.
- Lindsey Bottle Shop gutted May 1, 1987 lower Prince St
- May 16, 1987 body shop on 65 Dorchester St. destroyed by fire
- Kevin’s car wash on lower Grafton St engulfed in fire, May 16, 1987
- Considerable damage to building by fire May 16, 360 University Ave.
- May 16, 1987 old Condon Woolen Mill Queen St
- May 17, 1987 Colonel Grey Senior High school considerable damage
- July 17, 1987 Rochford School on Pownal St destroyed by fire
- Charlottetown Firefighters join Parkdale firefighters at the Parkdale mimi fire August 16, 1987
- October 23, 1987 UPEI, 550 University Ave received considerable fire damage
- March 27, 1988 63 Bayfield St. apartment building destroyed by fire
- Victoria Park Tennis Club house up in flames March 31, 1988
- June 18 1988, 6 Water St. loss of life in apartment fire
- April 19, 1989 Corner of Queen & Bayfield fire claims two lives in apartment fire
- October 28, 1989 14 Goodwill Ct. firefighters fight blaze for three hours
- October 30 , 1989 7 Bayfield St fire claims one life and injuries seven more people
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- August 6, 1990 263 University Ave apartment fire man dies next day
- Showboat on Grafton St.May 19, 1991 a blaze
- September 18, 1991 Corney’s shoe store destroyed on 180 Queen St
- November 16, 1991 Lunch bar restaurant University Ave
- May 5, 1991, 204 Queen St. gutted by fire
- December 16, 1993 78 Brighton rd. destroyed by fire
- March 13, 1994 Lindsey’s Bottle shop on lower queen 7 years later burns again
- January 25, 1996 house gutted at 177 Water St.
- July 17, 1997 Waterview heights explosion
- Chandler Brothers destroyed by fire 1 Plywood place October 30, 1999
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- UPEI Student Union August 1, 2001 550 University goes up by torch
- 42 Beasley Ave. house destroyed by fire January 22, 2002
- Fire on Allen St. sends one man to hospital Feb 28, 2002
- Home engulfed 23 Hensley St October 4, 2002 2 people rescued one death
- Fire engulfs auto body shop one person injured January 12, 2004 1 Strawberry Lane
- Apartment building burns May 7, 2004 476 Queen St.
- Fire on Irwin Dr. early this morning June 28, 2004
- Mobile trailer is burning on January 22, 2005 6 Jacobs Lane person injured
- Bedroom goes a fire August 19, 2005 12 MacRae Dr. One person with smoke inhalation
- Lady died as a result of fire December 14, 2005 42 Douglas
- Apartment on fire January 21, 2006 21 Young St.
- March 28, 2006 42 St. Peters Rd injury resulted
- Fire in single family home resulting in death July 25, 2006 11 Douglas St.
- December 8, 2006 UPEI
- Fire takes the life of young lady January 22, 2007 144 Hillsboro St
- May 20, 2009, Maid Marions
- Winsloe Lions Club November 24, 2002
- June 13, 2003 295 Trans Canada
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- October 1, 2012 ByBlos
- April 9, 2012 Andrews Ct fire resulted in the death of an elderly male
- October 1, 2012 85 Belvedere Ave saw man injured in the fire
- December 16 Kent St. fire results in the death of a male
- April 18, 2013 Fire on Revell Dr. destroys home
- April 23, 2013 Mutual aid for Stanhope Beach Lodge
- September 23, 2013 Warburton Dr. family home gutted by fire
- January 10, 2014 Older couple loses home to fire on Waverly Ct
- February 15, 2014 95 Capital Dr. fire damage results in significant losses
- March 29, 2014 Fire results in 3 deaths on Malpeque Rd.
- September 20, 2014 4 unit building on Westridge Cres.leaves 4 families without housing
- November 1, 2014 Malpeque Rd. fire resulted in a death
- December 31, 2014 Fire destroyed home at 26 Alley St.
- December 31, 2014 Fire on 155 Euston 2nd floor
- February 8, 2015 Flu fire spreads to floor joists, interior finish extensive damage
- March 21, 2015 Walmart propane tank fire evacuation of the area took place
- April 11, 2015 Fire in kitchen spreads throughout
- May 8, 2015 Fire causes major damage , 2 people rescued at 142 Prince St.
- August 9, 2015 Fire destroys apartment building at 65 Prince St. resulting in the death of an elderly lady
- August 20, 2015 Fire at 12 West St.
- August 20, 2015 Fuel Tanker rollover on Riverside Dr.
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