City residents, businesses and other stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on the draft Official Plan.
The draft Plan was presented at a public meeting on March 12. Once adopted by Council, the Plan will act as the City’s long-term vision for land use and development, positioning Charlottetown for sustainable growth and ensuring the preservation of the City’s unique natural and historic assets.
Residents have until
March 25 at noon to submit feedback and can do so in any of the following ways:
• Submit an
online feedback form
• Email the Planning and Heritage Department at
[email protected]
• Deliver written submissions to the Planning and Heritage Department, located at 70 Kent Street.
The draft Official Plan was developed through extensive public consultation and all feedback will be incorporated into a final version which will be presented to City Council for approval this spring.
An official plan is a policy framework that sets out a long-term vision and land-use policies but does not directly regulate or approve specific developments. Implementing a new Zoning and Development Bylaw is one of the next steps after Council adopts the Official Plan. The Zoning and Development Bylaw will be the regulatory framework for all new developments and will introduce residential zones and accompanying design guidelines. Public consultations on the Zoning and Development Bylaw will be held over the spring and summer, with work anticipated to be completed by fall 2025.