Switch Charlottetown Program Reflects on Success

Switch Charlottetown Program Reflects on Success and Sustainability
Posted on 08/22/2024
The City of Charlottetown is proud to announce the successful completion of the first round of funding for the Switch Charlottetown Program.

“We are tremendously proud of the success of this this award-winning program and the incredible benefits it has offered to our residents,” said Mayor Philip Brown. “Because of the Switch Charlottetown Program, hundreds of Charlottetown residents have seen home improvements made where they may not have been possible before. It’s initiatives such as this that make me proud to be a part of this thriving community.”

Launched in July 2021, the Switch Charlottetown Program was designed to assist homeowners in transitioning to renewable energy sources and enhancing their homes' energy efficiency. The program offered zero per cent interest financing for the installation of solar panels, heat pumps, insulation and other equipment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and utility bills.

On average, solar projects saved 3.43 tonnes of CO2 annually, heat pumps saved 3.26 tonnes, and insulation saved 1.58 tonnes.

The Switch Charlottetown Program not only benefits the environment, but also the local economy and the quality of life for homeowners as well. The program anticipates paying $9.07 million directly to local contractors by the time all the projects from the first round of funding are concluded.

By January 2024, the program was fully subscribed with 743 projects either completed or underway. These projects are estimated to have reduced GHG emissions by an impressive 2,602 tonnes of CO2.

This reduction is comparable to:

• Approximately 1,108,468 liters of gasoline.
• 5,879 barrels of oil.

As of May 2024, the utility costs being reduced annually for Charlottetown homeowners is $1.19 million. This means more money in the pockets of residents to enjoy more comfortable and healthy homes. The program also helps the city achieve its climate action goals and demonstrate leadership in sustainability on the national stage.

The City of Charlottetown thanks all the participants, partners and supporters of the Switch Charlottetown Program for making it a success.

Visit switchpace.org/homeowners/Charlottetown/ to learn more about the program.