Charlottetown Celebrates P.E.I. Bike Week

City of Charlottetown Celebrates P.E.I. Bike Week 2024
Posted on 05/27/2024
With P.E.I. Bike Week 2024 just around the corner, the City of Charlottetown and partners are planning a series of exciting events to encourage the public to discover the benefits of cycling.

P.E.I. Bike Week runs June 17-23 with a collection of activities and events presented in partnership with local cycling organizations and businesses to support and encourage residents of all ages to try cycling. The celebrations will include an exhibit on the history of active transportation in Charlottetown at Victoria Park along with self-guided bike tours, a city-wide scavenger hunt, a bike swap-and-sale and the annual Mayor’s Ride.

These events celebrate the work the City and several non-profit organizations have completed in recent years towards active transportation, and provide great opportunities to connect with community members and cycling groups and learn more about healthier choices for transportation.

A full schedule of the planned activities is attached below.

Visit for more information, including resources such as the Charlottetown Cycling Handbook and a map of separated trails and suggested routes.


Monday, June 17

2-5 p.m. – A bike swap-and-sale will give residents the opportunity to receive a refurbished bike or trade an old bike. Hosted by the REACH Foundation and supported by Bike Friendly Communities, this is a great opportunity for parents looking to swap a bike that a child has outgrown. Financial assistance is available for residents and families with a lower-income to acquire a bike.

Tuesday, June 18

• Schools can participate in Bike to School Day. Interested schools should contact City Hall.

4:30 p.m. – Bike Friendly Communities is hosting a safety gear giveaway at Beaconsfield Carriage House. Free lights, reflectors and helmets will be available for people of all ages followed by a friendly-paced guided group ride through Victoria Park.

Wednesday, June 19

5 p.m. – Mayor Brown will lead the annual Mayor’s Ride starting at Rising Tide Electric Bikes on Queen Street. It will begin as a slow-paced ‘family ride’ of about 20 minutes, then will speed up for riders on e-bikes and more athletic cyclists to continue on an 18-kilmetre loop showcasing Charlottetown’s newest active transportation infrastructure.

7 p.m. – Bike Friendly Communities will host a screening of ‘Wadjda’ at City Cinema, an award-winning Saudi Arabian film about a girl who dreams of owning her own green bike.

Thursday June 20

4:30 p.m. – The Canadian National Institute for the Blind will give away bike bells at the Delta Hotel, where they will launch their Bike Bell Campaign to promote safe and respectful cycling practices when using shared pathways like the Confederation Trail.

6 p.m. – ‘P.E.I. Bike Guy’ Geoff Murray is leading a group mountain bike ride through the Acadian Forest Trails, starting at the Parkman Soccer Complex parking lot.

Friday, June 21

8 p.m. – Bike Friendly Communities is leading a ‘Night Ride’ which will start and end at Upstreet Craft Brewery at 41 Aleen St. Glow-sticks are encouraged.

Saturday, June 22

12 p.m. – Bike Friendly Communities Block Party will host a free public BBQ, kids ‘Bike Rodeo’ at the Legacy Gardens Beehives (off the Confederation Trail).

• Free 30-minute electric bike test rides are bookable throughout the day at Rising Tide Electric Bikes on Queen Street. Bookings can be made through the City’s website.

Sunday, June 23

10 a.m. – Cycling P.E.I. is hosting the Gravel Ride of Hope to raise funds for cancer research, starting at the Sir Andrew MacPhail Homestead at 271 MacPhail Rd. in Orwell.


“Bike Week is a great time to start a new commuting habit for the warmer months; it has benefits for the climate, your health and your wallet, too. We strongly believe in the importance of showcasing the many options we provide as a city to get that healthy movement in during your daily trip to work or school. Plus it’s a lot of fun.” – Mayor Philip Brown

“We continue to work on our active transportation pathways and trails throughout our City to make active transportation safer and more convenient for all ages. Some examples of these are in East Royalty, Hillsborough Park and West Royalty where fully separated bike pathways have been created for residents to enjoy. These active transportation pathways are connected to the Confederation Trail system which connects many neighborhoods and communities to the downtown area safely.” – Councillor Terry Bernard, Chair of the Environment & Sustainability Committee