City Council approves 2024-2025 Budgets

Charlottetown City Council Approves 2024-2025 Budget
Posted on 03/28/2024
Charlottetown City Council approved the 2024-2025 Capital and Operational budgets today at a Special Meeting of Council.

The balanced budget includes a $86.4 million Operational and a $45.8 million Capital Budget for the City Corporation and a $15.8 million Operational Budget for the Water and Sewer Utility. The financial plan as a whole reflects the priority placed on public safety and sustainable growth while maintaining excellent core programs and services for City residents.

“Council heard residents when they said public safety was their number one concern and I know Council ensured that concern was addressed in this budget,” said Councillor John McAleer, Chair of the Finance, Audit, Tendering and Administration Committee. “Our largest investments were made in the Charlottetown Police Services with approval to hire five new officers and purchase a mobile critical incident command, and we ensured our Fire Department was also supported by two new supervisors, a new fast rescue craft for water rescues and new safety equipment.”

Some consolidated budget expenditure highlights include:

• Charlottetown Police Services will see an investment of $15.9 million to include five new officers and initiatives such as the Mobile Critical Incident Command.

• Charlottetown Fire Department will receive $5.6 million to include two new supervisors, a new fast rescue craft and upgraded equipment such as new Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. This budget also includes new generators and upgrades for reception centres.

•The Public Works Department will receive $20.8 million to invest maintaining existing and building new roads, sidewalks and Active Transportation Paths, and to complete storm water modelling and the Pownal Parkade restoration. This money will also jointly fund projects with the Water and Sewer Utility, such as the Eastern Gateway and the Seaview Boulevard rehabilitation projects.

• The Environment and Sustainability Department will receive $4.2 million to include a new public transit depot with three maintenance bays, 19 storage and charging bays, and expanded fleet.

• The Parks and Recreation Department will receive $5.3 million to continue the new Simmons multi-sport and recreation centre, and upgrades to parks, playgrounds and the Charlottetown Yacht Club seawall.

“What truly stood out to me was the transparency with which this budget process took place,” said Mayor Philip Brown. “For the first time, residents and taxpayers were able to watch presentations, listen to debates and really experience the entire process as it was happening. It’s proof that the City has moved towards the open and accountable governance we talked about this time last year and I’m proud of the diligent effort Council and staff dedicated to this work.”

There will be no increase to residential and commercial tax rates in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Water and Sewer Utility rates increase three per cent to help maintain infrastructure and defray rising operational costs; this increase means an increase of approximately $19.08 annually or $0.05 daily for the average household.

To access the 2024-2025 budget, visit